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Theories of Adolescence by Rolf E. Muuss
Stop, Look, and Write! Effective Writing Through Pictures
Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation by Lynne Truss
Piccadilly 300 Writing Prompts Journal
Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, Second Edition 1959
The Vocabulary Builder by S. Stephenson Smith 1947
Oral Language Exercises by William A. Kappele
Berlitz European Phrase Book
Figures of Speech: 60 Ways to turn a phrase by Arthur Quinn
Dictionary of Problem Words & Expressions by Harry Shaw
A Dictionary of Modern English Usage by H.W. Fowler revised and edited by Ernest
Strictly Speaking: Will America Be The Death of English by Edwin Newman
Talk to the Deaf: A Practical Visual Guide by Lottie Riekehof
An English Grammar on Synthetical Principles by George Spencer, A.M. 1851
The Complete Phonographic Class-Book by S.P Andrews 1845
Watson's Graphic Speller: Oral and Written by J Madison Watson 1884
Codes and Ciphers: An A to Z of Covert Communication by Fred B. Wrixon
180 Days: Two Teachers and the Quest to Engage and Empower Adolescents
¡Así se dice! Glencoe Spanish 3
Spanish-English, English-Spanish Medical Dictionary by Onyria Herrera McElroy