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The Fantasy genre is a fiction genre that often includes supernatural elements, mythology, magic creatures, and more. This genre spans far and wide and crosses through several others genres; such as, science fiction, space operas, and epic fantasy.
The Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan
Scar Night by Alan Campbell
Winter's Heart by Robert Jordan
Mystic Quest: Book 2 of the Bronze Chronicles by Tracy & Laura Hickman
Prince of Dogs by Kate Elliott
Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier
The Belgariad Part Two by David Eddings
The Gathering Storm by Kate Elliott
Merrick by Anne Rice
Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern by Anne McCaffrey
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Century 1910 by Alan Moore & Kevin O'Neill
Eternity Road by Jack McDevitt
Venus, Inc. by Frederik Pohl and C.M. Kornbluth
Trading in Danger by Elizabeth Moon
Legacy by Greg Bear
The Paladin by C.J. Cherryh
A Trio for Lute by R.A. MacAvoy
The Black Chalice by Marie Jakober
The Raven Warrior: The Tales of Guinevere by Alice Borchardt
First Rider's Call by Kristen Britain