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Astrological Signs: The Pulse of Life by Dane Rudhyar
The Origin of Freemasonry and Knights Templar compiled by John R. Bennett
The Witch Hunt in Early Modern Europe Second Edition by Brian P. Levack
The Wordsworth Dictionary of the Occult by André Nataf
Founding Fathers, Secret Societies by Robert Hieronimus, Ph.D.
Paranormal State by Ryan Buell and Stefan Petrucha
Illuminati: The Cult the Hijacked the World by Henry Makow Ph.D.
The Masonic Christian Conflict Explained by Keith Harris
Alligators in the Sewer and 222 other Urban Legends by Thomas J Craughwell
Secret Societies: A History by Arkon Daraul
Secret Societies: Their Influence and Power From Antiquity to the Present Day
Compendium Maleficarum: The Montague Summers Edition by Francesco Maria Guazzo
Life Beyond 100 by C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.
A Field Guide to Demons, Fairies, Fallen Angels, and Other Subversive Spirits
The True Life of Jesus of Nazareth: The Confessions of St. Paul by A. Smyth
The Key of Soloman the King edited and translated by S.L. MacGregor Mathers
Vampires: The Occult Truth by Konstantinos
God's Brothel by Andrea Moore-Emmett
Werewolves by Elliot O'Donnell
Gods of Air and Darkness by Richard E. Mooney