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Screen Deco: A Celebration of High Style in Hollywood by Howard Mandelbaum
Starring Fred Astaire by Stanley Green and Burt Goldblatt
The Films of Bing Crosby by Robert Bookbinder
The All-Americans by James Robert Parusu and Don E. Stanke
The Movie Treasury: Thriller Movies by Lawrence Hammond
The Complete Films of Edward G. Robinson by Alvin H. Marill
Masters of Starlight: Photographers in Hollywood by David Fahey and Linda Rich
Ring Bells! Sing Songs! Broadway Musicals of the 1930s by Stanley Green
Eyes on America: Arts and Entertainment
Oedipus the King: Sophocles translated by Bernard M.W. Knox
The Essential Theatre by Oscar G. Brockett
When Hollywood was fun! Snapshots of an Era by Gene Lester with Oeter Laufer
Cary Grant: A Touch of Elegance by Warren G. Harris
The Unkindest Cuts: The Scissors and the Cinema by Doug McClelland
Things I Did and Things I Think I Did by Jean Negulesco
Hollywood At Your Feet by Stacey Endres & Robert Cushman
James Bond: The Secret World of 007
Juno: Screenplay and Introduction by Diablo Cody
The Sense and Sensibility by Emma Thompson
America in the Movies by Michael Wood 1975