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Check out our collection of poetry & anthology books today!
Ogden Nash's Zoo illustrations by Etienne Delessert
Journey through Heartsongs by Mattie J.T. Stepanek
Poetry Festival edited by John Bettenbender
Victoria's Secret: Beauty of Love, Volume 4
A Cheerful Heart: a collection of poems by Barbara Milo Ohrbach
With Sunny Thoughts of You by Doris Faulhaber
Here I Am! An Anthology of Poems edited by Virginia Olsen Barron
The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
Recent Poems by Joan Crowell 2009
The Sonnets by William Shakespeare
Love's Aspects by Jean Garrigue
Blue Horses Rush In by Luci Tapahonso
Dog Music, Poetry About Dogs edited by Joseph Duemer and Jim Simmerman
The Verse by the Side of the Road by Frank Rowsome, Jr.
The Country Road, Poems by James Laughlin
The Owl and the Pussy-Cat and other nonsense by Edward Lear
Sir Gawain and The Green Knight Patience Pearl by Marie Borroff
Great Classical Myths edited and with an introduction by F.R.B. Godolphin
Kiss of God: The Wisdom of a Silent Child by Marshall Stewart Ball
Somebody Loves You by Helen Steiner Rice 1976