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Verrons, the interstellar explorer, is infected with the dread "bloodblossom" disease, and exiled to the quarantine planet. But Verrons is not the kind of man to stay quietly in a depressing little colony of dying men and other humanoids. Together with Wells, a human from the ice-planet Talberon, and Tiehl, a bird-man alien, he strikes out across the surveyed-but-unexplored wilderness of the planet. All of them are cynical about the prospects of a cure and determine to live or die on their own.


Cloud Cry by Sydney J. Van Scyoc

    • Hardcover: 216 pages
    • Publisher: Berkley Pub. Corp. : distributed by Putnam (1977)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 0399119477
    • ISBN-13: 978-0399119477
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