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Gone! Forgotten! Dead? A Joseph Hughes Murder Mystery - Paperback by Janet Berryman, Jennifer Rogers (Photographer)


Chief Inspector Joseph Hughes is the very best in his field; arresting the very worst of humanity; the human traffickers; rapist's, murderers etc.
He receives a letter from a distraught mother; her daughter has been missing a number of years; the local police have called it a case of a teenage runaway; now it appears in the small village of Lettersby there are more than the average teenage runaways; the village itself is expanding rapidly; even the police have seen fit to open a police training college there on the aptly named Lettersby Avenue
As C I Hughes is nearing retirement he requests to be seconded to the college to work part time as a lecturer and to set up a small team to investigate the disappearances if it just happens to be a naturally occurring place that teenagers feel the need to flee then so be it; but if this turns out to be the hub of something more sinister then there is nobody better qualified to find out than Chief Inspector Joseph Hughes
Will this case turn out to be the biggest ever recorded in British history? Only time will tell



Gone! Forgotten! Dead? A Joseph Hughes Murder Mystery by J P Berryman

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