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The Eagle and The Rose: A Remarkable True Story by Rosemary Altea
The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology by José Argüelles
The Return by Mike Evans
Leela: Commentaries by Harish Johari foreword by Claudio Naranjo
Toward the One: The Perfection of Love, Harmony & Beauty by the Sufi Order 1974
Only One Sky: On the Tantric Way of Tilopa's Song of Mahamudra by Bhagwan Shree
The Hidden Harmony: Discourses on the fragments of Heraclitus by Bhagwan Shree
The Awakening of Kundalini by Gopi Krishna
Tara's Angels by Kirk Moore
Holy Bible - King James Version
Returning to the Source: Discourse on Zen by Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
Raven: The Untold Story of the Rev. Jim Jones and His People by Tim Reiterman
The Holy Bible - King James Version
El Secreto del Perdón Y El Nuevo Nacimiento Paperback – January 1, 1997
The Gnostic Bible edited by Willis Barnstone & Marvin Meyer
Betrayal: The Crisis in the Catholic Church by the Boston Globe Staff
Holy Bible: The Twenty-Four Books of the Old Testament 1916
Pirkē Aboth in Etchings by Saul Raskin 1940
Confucius: The Analects
Good News for Modern Man, The New Testament Today's English Version 1971