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Check out our collection of world war books today!
Unexplained Mysteries of World War II by William B. Breuer
Weapons of Mass Deception: the Uses of Propaganda in Bush's War on Iraq
Ordinary Heroes by Scott Turow
One More River: The Rhine Crossings of 1945 by Peter Allen
The Kappillan of Malta by Nicholas Monsarrat
Warlord by Ilario Pantano
In the Words of Napoleon: The Emperor Day by Day edited by Johnston
Warfare in the Western World: Military Operations Since 1871 Volume 11
Warfare in the Western World: Military Operations From 1600 to 1871
My Year in Iraq by Ambassador L. Paul Bremer III with Malcolm McConnell
The Third World War: The Untold Story by General Sir John Hackett
The Battle of Jutland by Geoffrey Bennett
Brothers in Battle, Best of Friends by William Guarnere & Edward Heffron
The Lonely Ships- The Life & Death of the US Asiatic Fleet by Edwin Hoyt